The challenge: Needing to scale rapidly without adding headcount
Tagboard launched in 2011 with a steadfast mission to bring communities together through social media, quickly and easily. Back then, MySQL wasn’t scaling the way Tagboard needed it to. Tagboard was a small startup team and in the genesis of adding customers so they didn’t have the resources to do it themselves. Their only option was to find a partner who could help them with their data challenges.
“During the first year of Tagboard, our core challenge was creating something that didn’t exist yet. We were creating a new industry — Social Display,” recalled Jordan Larrigan, CTO of Tagboard. “We had to focus on creating something new, something amazing that would wow potential customers enough to want to use us.”
“We were a small team of people who didn’t have the time or resources to focus on building an entire data warehouse solution for ourselves.” Larrigan contacted ObjectRocket to spin up an instance of MongoDB in 2012. No one could predict the scale at which Tagboard would grow.
“The ObjectRocket team helped us choose the right MongoDB environment and data structure for basic scale,” said Larrigan. “A year went by and then all of a sudden we started hitting performance issues. We were pulling in hundreds of millions of social posts. The ObjectRocket team reached out to us before we realized an issue was occurring and helped us scale up without any impact to our customers.”
Why ObjectRocket?
ObjectRocket continually helps Tagboard increase innovation and performance. By moving some processes to MongoDB, and later to Elasticsearch, on top of managing instances for them, the Tagboard team’s sole focus is on developing new features that allow them to succeed in new markets. Any time Tagboard wants to test something new or try a new configuration on an instance, ObjectRocket comes through for them. They never have to worry about getting charged for something that might not work or the backend tasks of setting the test up or even upgrading instances to the latest version. “Just being able to say, we’re just going to spin up this new instance. We’ll worry about billing later if it actually works. And if it doesn’t, well, at least we tried, right? You can’t get that anywhere else.”