
Getting Started with ObjectRocket for Redis on AWS

Update on Jan 20, 2017: In August 2016, we introduced Unlimited Availability of ObjectRocket for Redis on AWS. Since that time, we have decided to leverage our existing Rackspace infrastructure for hosting Redis and End of Life the existing Redis on AWS infrastructure. However, we are now providing an AWS DirectConnect link bringing fully managed HA Redis closer to AWS customer’s applications while offering the same core features that exist on Rackspace infrastructure. For more information on AWS Direct Connect, check out our blog post:
What Does AWS Direct Connect Have to do with ObjectRocket?

At ObjectRocket, our vision is to offer our products and support where our customers’ applications live. We’re excited to announce the availability of ObjectRocket for Redis on the AWS infrastructure. This is the first of many services to come giving customers choice in who manages their data regardless of the cloud on which it lives.

One of the first reasons developers are attracted to Redis is its performance. As an in-memory data store, Redis is highly attractive for uses cases involving quick reads and writes in a simple but flexible data structure. A Redis instance physical location is very important to maximize this performance and reduce latency as much as possible.

ObjectRocket Redis is purpose-built to be easy, fast, and fully managed, allowing customers to focus on their application and core business rather than spending time managing their Redis infrastructure.

Easy Fast Fully Managed
Dashboard helps you spin up production-ready Redis instantaneously Infrastructure optimized for Redis on AWS World-class expertise available 24×7 with experience running Redis at scale
Designed to scale with tools to make it simple Containerized approach for isolated resources and optimal performance Guidance to help you optimize and stay focused on innovation
Reliable service with built in high availability, automatic failover and persistence Online resizing and scaling with available resources Proactive administration and monitoring with troubleshooting assistance to resolve issues quickly

What you need to know

Provisioning and using an instance of our managed Redis service on AWS infrastructure is really simple. During instance creation, customers simply select the desired AWS region for their instance location. Its that simple.

Here is a step by step view of how to create a new account and get a free trial of ObjectRocket Redis on AWS.

  1. Create a free ObjectRocket account
    Sign up for a free ObjectRocket 500MB Redis instance for 30 days.
  2. Create a new instance
    Start creating a new Redis instance with your preferred name.
  3. Confirm your new instance
    Select a version, zone, and plan.
  4. Finalize instance creation process
    Click “Create” to initiate instance creation.
  5. Set up your connection string
    Now take the connection string from the instance details and update your config file.

Congrats, you’ve got a managed Redis instance on AWS up and running!

Try a 30 day free-trial and experience fully managed Redis on AWS.

Updated on Aug 17, 2016 to remove Limited Availability

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