
First 30 Days as Rackers

ObjectRocket skyline

We just wanted to give an update on what has been happening since we announced we are being acquired by Rackspace.

It’s been almost a month now. We have been hard at work and it seemed like a good time for some updates.


First and foremost we have started to integrate our support. Rackspace is known far and wide for being a support leader, it’s one of the reasons we love Rackspace. We are starting the very first integrations of support. One important aspect of support is customers will continue to work with ObjectRocket specific engineers and support folks. The folks who answer the call will be the folks that can help customers.

Some changes you will already notice is we are now utilizing a ticketing system for issues coming in via our email alias. This is the very first step in staffing support with awesome folks, as it allows us to scale long term. Our plan is to staff support with folks who understand and love MongoDB. So your support requests will continue to be timely, and a very knowledgeable person will respond to your ticket.

Enterprise customers will now be routed through the Rackspace infrastructure ensuring that they get immediate help and crisis triage. Again, scalability is key here and this step allows us to grow while continuing to provide timely and exceptional support.

Data Centers

Rackspace has a global foot print and an important part of joining the Rackspace Family was to be able to utilize that global footprint. We have been heads down since the acquisition getting into Rackspace datacenters. In the coming weeks we will be announcing our Chicago presence, with other datacenters to follow shortly. One important aspect of our integration with Rackspace was to ensure our very unique and high performance MongoDB infrastructure was maintained going forward and we’re happy to say we’ve done that! Same ObjectRocket, now available globally!

Office and Hiring

We are pleased to announce that the ObjectRocket team is moving to Austin. The entire team will be built out in our new offices at Capital Factory in downtown Austin. Capital Factory is the perfect place to build our team being surrounded by other startups will ensure we keep the energy and focus that has made ObjectRocket the worlds best MongoDB DBaaS offering. We have openings in Engineering, Support, and more on our jobs page. Capital Factory is also a great venue for meetups, and we plan to engange and host functions going forward. We love MongoDB, and Capital Factory is the perfect place to host and engage in the community.


We haven’t stopped developing the product either. In the past month we have added new API calls that allow creation of shard keys, and return cluster details, we have clarified our space consumption metrics, as well as bunch of bug fixes.

While it’s been an amazing few months we’re stoked about what the future has to bring for us and what we provide to the community stay tuned for more announcements soon!

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